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Alice. 24th - 30th April, 1921.

24th - to chapel with dad. Splendid serman. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. Rev Rutherford SS in afternoon. Chapel at night. To croft through fields. Elsie, Kate, Vince, Norman and I, back in last bus. Drunken women - oh the horror of it.

28th - letter from civil service commission notifying FAILURE in exam. To dance. Very quiet. Home with Norman. Very tired.

29th - rumours of Sinn Feiners coming to incone tax office. Stayed in all evening and sewed. Mother commenced cleaning operations in kitchen.

"A setting sun with a trail of glory, nature all green and calm and grand.

I think if I ? till my head was heavy, I could not find so pleasant a land".

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